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It is necessary to reflect on people who have problems on the Internet due to a physical, mental or technological disability. These Internet users are unable to carry out normal browsing due to the fact that many websites are not prepared for the browsers they use. But even using a standard browser, many people can't increase font size or find links because of poor design.

NemoSoft has assumed the commitment to make an accessible website with the aim that its corporate website can be browsed by the largest number of people regardless of their limitations. To do this, it has followed the regulations established by the W3C following the accessibility guidelines published by the WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative).

Making websites accessible is something that concerns us all.


The language used to structure the contents is XHTML 1.0. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS2) are used to separate content from design.


After the header of the page from which users can change the language, if the website is made in several languages, the general navigation menu is located.

Within the section there is a submenu with the contents divided by themes. All sections include a navigation path so all visitors know where they are.

Finally we have the footer with access to featured content, legal information and a link to this page with information on accessibility.

To facilitate navigation through screen readers or similar devices, a link with the text 'Skip navigation' has been placed at the beginning of each page, which will take you directly to the content of the page so that it is not necessary to listen or read. the entire navigation section every time you enter a page. This link is invisible to all other browsers that support style sheet programming.


Some sections have documentation to download. These documents are in PDF format and can be viewed with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.


NemoSoft has verified the correct display of this website in different versions of the main browsers (Internet Explorer 5.0 and higher, Mozilla, Opera, Safari) and on different platforms. However, if the browser you are using does not support style sheets, it is possible to browse the pages without any display problems.

To verify that it complies with accessibility guidelines, it has been reviewed with the TAW tool. However, if during your navigation you find any error, we would appreciate it if you could notify us through our contact page.


And, finally, the following icons and links are presented that inform about the accessibility of the site:

  • It declares that the XHTML version 1.0 language has been used correctly and its syntax adheres to the grammar of that language. Your link leads to the W3C validator
  • Declares that the syntax of the style sheets used is correct. Your link leads to the W3C Cascading Style Sheet Validator
  • Declares that the page has been reviewed with TAW 1.1 and has been approved. Your link leads to the TAW.
  • Declares that it conforms to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 with the Triple A level. Its link leads to an explanation of the accessibility levels and use of its icons.